
We are thrilled to commemorate the upcoming Golden Jubilee celebration of GBHS Mbengwi, a milestone that marks 50 years of excellence in education. As we prepare for this historic occasion, we kindly request your generous support to help us achieve our fundraising goal of 75 million FRS.

The toll of the ongoing socio-economic crisis in the English-speaking Regions of Cameroon has not spared GBHS Mbengwi. The 1st Cycle i.e. the lower section of the school has been nonfunctional for a couple of years, most of its structures are dilapidating at a very fast rate with the entire roofs of some off, due to neglect and severe winds.

The upper section of the school which has been partly functional is also dilapidating and in great need of rehabilitation and renovations.

We hope that the Ex-student Community, as well as the friends and sympathizers of GBHS Mbengwi, will see the need to bring back the lost glory of this unique institution, considered a jewel. “A stitch in time saves nine”

Your contribution will not only help us create an unforgettable Golden Jubilee event but will also contribute to the betterment of our beloved school and the education of future generations. Every donation counts and is greatly appreciated.

There is no feeling better than giving back to your alma Martha either as a class or an individual.

To express our gratitude for your support, we have established a system of certificates of acknowledgement based on contribution levels:

Your contributions will help in realizing projects such as, the anniversary legacy infrastructure improvement projects, cleaning the school campuses (bushes), sponsorship to needy students, bore hole, organisation of the ceremonies and others.

We encourage contributions to be made as batches, chapters and/or individuals. Your donation will make a significant impact on the success of this event, as well as the continues growth and development of the school.

Let’s come together and make GBHS Mbengwi’s Golden Jubilee celebration one to be remembered.